
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

So Much Has Happened

I have not blogged in forever and I promised myself I would do better but it hasn't quite happened yet. Anyways life is never a dull moment in the Bennett home. Our little boy Dexter is so busy you barely have two minutes to sit down. He has turned into quite a funny little boy. Now that he has got walking and running down he has now started to talk and it is so much fun!! He says the common words like Dad, Mom, Uh Oh, No, Ya, Up, and his favorite what is that? He says that about 50 times a day to me lol!! I love how he tried to mimic everything we are saying as well. I could go on and on about our little man.

So much has happened since the last time I blogged. My little sister Kinzee graduated from high school. I can't believe she is done!! It definately is making me feel so old.... O well what can ya do. Anyways we are so proud of her and love her very much. She has gone through a lot lately and it amazes me how strong she is. She is such an amazing woman and I can't wait to see what she does with her future but I know whatever she does she will be amazing!! Love you Kinz!!

Some more exciting news!! I am finally an auntie on the chipman side. Kass and Easton had a beautiful baby girl. Olivia Michelle Chipman and I am dying to meet her. Sometimes I hate living so far away from my family cause I miss out on things like this. O well I know I will get to meet her soon enough. She is absolutely beautiful and I have definatley had a lot of fun shopping for her lol!! Little girls just have the cutest things.

Anyways not much else is new with our little family. Nick is busy at work and is working part time again this summer for his friend Eli. He is such a hard worker and an amazing dad. I definately lucked out in the husband department. Just watching him with Dex makes me smile. I am still working a couple nights a week too and things are going great!!

Well I will post a few pics of the little munckin to show you what he's been up to lately.

We took him to this Sesame Street Event at the Science Telus Center and he loved it.
He was making a sandwhich!!

Dex and Daddy!! Dex loves riding his bike.
He drags it to the front door all the time!!

Dex's first experience with bubbles!! He tried to eat them
but eventually caught on that they don't taste good when
one landed in his mouth lol!!

I don't know who he is talking to but it
looks serious lol!!

Dexter's favorite place!! The Park!!
He loves the slide and has to do it all by himself!!

He found a blue marker and decided to eat it.
I new something was up because he was being
so quiet!! I should have known...


  1. i just can't get enough of that little man. and congrats to easton and kassidy----i see a little chipman in her for sure!

  2. What a fun stage we are in huh! minus the tantrums now n then:) We can't wait to see you guys this summer and will have fun at Magrath Days!
